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Ecumenical Lenten Lunch
2020 Ecumenical Lenten Lunch
Community of Hope Class
The Community of Hope classes provide training in lay pastoral caregiving through the teaching of Benedictine spirituality and teachings on listening skills, boundaries, grief counseling, and other compassionate practices. Even if you don’t plan to visit people...
Christmas Services
Join us Sunday December 22 at 10am for our Christmas pageant And on Tuesday, December 24 for our Christmas Eve Services 4:30PM 8:00PM 11:00PM
Lessons and Carols
Our Festival of Lessons and Carols will be Sunday, December 8 at 4:00pm Monday, December 9 at 7:30pm Free-will offering This is the 26th year of our very distinctive festival of Lessons and Carols for Advent from Celtic and African-American traditions featuring John...
Advent Retreat
YOU ARE INVITED…….. ADVENT RETREAT Deacon Lynne along with Deacon Lynne Curtis is leading another Advent Retreat. COME join us in fellowship with others as we prepare to celebrate Jesus’ birth at Christmas. RELAX and take time to empty yourself of all that separates...
Men’s Study Group
Tuesday night men's study at Christ Church. Starting November 12th from 7pm to 8:30pm. We will meet in the fireside room. Have you ever had an insurmountable task, event, situation or even a giant in front of you that is causing you to feel trapped or stuck, that is...
Trunk or Treat
Save the Date!!! October 26th from 12pm-3pm we will be holding a Harvest festival/trunk or treat!!! Stop by to enjoy hot dogs and hamburgers, a bounce house, games and trick or treating in the parking lot!! We encourage families to participate in our annual trunk or...
Advent Retreat
YOU ARE INVITED…….. ADVENT RETREAT Deacon Lynne along with Deacon Lynne Curtis is leading another Advent Retreat. COME join us in fellowship with others as we prepare to celebrate Jesus’ birth at Christmas. RELAX and take time to empty yourself of all that separates...
Trunk or Treat
Save the Date!!! October 26th from 12pm-3pm we will be holding a Harvest festival/trunk or treat!!! Stop by to enjoy hot dogs and hamburgers, a bounce house, games and trick or treating in the parking lot!! We encourage families to participate in our annual trunk or...
This Week’s Events
Church Picnic
Church Picnic at Shenantaha Park in Malta( East Line Road ) Noon The church will provide hot dogs, hamburgers and beverages. Please bring a dish to share. This picnic area provides a playground for our children and a shelter in case of rain....
Worship Service – Sundays – 5:00pm
Christ Church Welcomes Father Lehmann to our staff. We are pleased to announce that Christ Church will be offering a third Worship Service on Sundays. Father Lehmann will be leading the Worship Service Starting on October 6 At 5:00pm Join us for Worship and Soup...
Ministry Fair
At this time of the year our programs and ministries start with great expectations! We will be hosting our Ministry Fair in the Welcome Center on September 8 with a celebratory breakfast between the 8 and 10 am services in the parish hall. Each ministry display will...
Sunday School
Join us on Sunday, September 15 at 9:00am for our Sunday School Programs. The Children will meet in the Parish Hall at 9:00am and then move to the classrooms. Adult Sunday School will meet in the Fireside Room (This room is off of the parish hall). Beginning on...
Join Us
Thursday April 18 6pm - Maundy Thursday Seder We will begin at 6:00 PM with the Seder, the Passover meal Jesus celebrated with the disciples in the Upper Room the night before He was crucified. At this Last Supper, Jesus instituted the sacrament of Communion and...
Lenten Programs
Lenten Programs at Christ Church Tuesday, March 12 - 6:00pm Lenten Study and potluck This dvd study Unafraid, living with courage and hope in uncertain times –by Adam Hamilton is meant to guide anyone struggling with fear, worry or who wonders how families...
Lessons and Carols
Christ Church, Ballston Spa - Festival of Lessons and Carols Sunday, December 9 at 4:00pm Monday, December 10 at 7:30pm Join us at Christ Church, Ballston Spa, on Sunday, December 9 at 4:00 p.m. and Monday December 10 at 7:30 p.m. for our 25th year of Lessons and...
Noah’s Attic Christmas Sale
Noah’s Attic Christmas Sale will be held November 15-16-17 from 9:30am to 4pm In the Christ Church Parish Hall.
Sunday School
Join us on Sunday, September 16 at 9:00am for our Welcome to Sunday School Breakfast This will be an opportunity for you to meet our wonderful Sunday School teachers! Then on September 23, 2018 at 9:00am Sunday School will begin!