Sunday Services
.Services are held at 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. on Sunday Morning
A Chapel Service is held at 9:15 a.m. on Wednesdays
If you are visiting us for the first time– Welcome! We would love to have you join us for one of our services.
Parking is available in the County parking lot, on the street, or there are limited spaces in our parking lot behind the main church building. You may enter through any door that is convenient for you. Our handicap accessible entrance is located on the side of the building accessed by our driveway off of West High Street, near the designated handicap accessible parking spaces.
There is a nursery which is open for children under age 5 during both services. The nursery is located in our fellowship hall.
Adult and children’s Sunday school programs meet at 9:00 a.m. between services.
Our ushers will greet you as you enter the sanctuary, and provide a bulletin with the order of the service and the readings for the day. You are welcome to sit wherever you are comfortable. If you are unfamiliar with following the Episcopal liturgy, it can be helpful to follow along in the Book of Common Prayer found in your pew, or to ask anyone around you. Prayers and responses are projected on a screen at our 10:00 a.m. service.
Overall, our 8:00 a.m. service is a more traditional, and quieter, spoken service. One hymn is sung to open the service, and one to close the service. The 8:00 a.m. service is usually about one hour long.
Our 10:00 a.m. service uses hymns as well as more modern worship music, sung responses, often has a childrens’ sermon, and generally has more activity and the background sound of children. Most Sundays, children are welcomed to a separate children’s church service while the remainder of the congregation listens to the day’s readings and the sermon. The children who wish to participate have a bible study and activity time in their own chapel space, and re-join their parents for Communion.
The 10:00 a.m. service is always followed by a “coffee hour”. This is a great opportunity to meet and get to know people while you enjoy snacks and coffee. We would love to see you there!