Noah’s Attic Christmas Sale

Noah’s Attic Christmas Sale will be held

November 15-16-17 from 9:30am to 4pm

In the Christ Church Parish Hall. 


Sunday School

 Join us on Sunday, September 16 at 9:00am for our Welcome to Sunday School Breakfast This will be an opportunity for you to meet our wonderful Sunday School teachers!

Then on September 23, 2018 at 9:00am Sunday School will begin!

Mission Trip To Belize


January 8th thru the 17th,  2019

Christ Episcopal Church is partnering with Greenfield Baptist Church on a missions trip to Belize. We will be working with Mt Hope Bible Church in Unitedville, Belize, Central America. The Church has recently purchased the land they were renting and are renovating the Youth Center and Sunday School Classrooms. Opportunities also exist to volunteer in a local school, provide medical training and work with the Church’s youth group. Interested parties may contact John Boyd at [email protected] or Glen Face at [email protected] .

Vacation Bible School

June 25th-29th 8:30am-11:30am
Register Online:
you may visit the church website at
under kids ministry click on VBS for the link

We are also looking for volunteers for
registration, kitchen clean up, games, Bible Adventure and Spotlight Video.